The Scorpion Submarine

Until the Bearded One and I went down to visit the Queen Mary, I had no idea The Scorpion Submarine existed or that touring it was even an option. Once we knew that we could, we couldn’t pass up the chance to see it. After buying our tickets and passing through the gift shop, we crossed a bouncing gangplank to the Scorpion’s top deck before climbing down into the sub. 

Once you get into the cramped halls and tiny rooms, you forget how big it looked when you were walking around on top of it. The photos don’t do the tight space justice. I somehow managed not to hit my head ducking through hatches and doorways but my toes were not so lucky. Seems like I violently found every step, rise, and pipe despite my best efforts not too.

One of the facts broadcast through speakers across the sub was that, during it’s operation, 79 souls lived and worked on the Scorpion. Imagining 79 people crammed into that sub is an exercise in claustrophobia. I’m not remotely claustrophobic but I was glad to be back in the open air after 30 minutes in that sub with a scant 5 other people. Happy I went during the week when it wasn’t crowded. The other bonus was that only the Bearded One got to see me awkwardly crawl/fall through the compartment hatches. Figured out how to climb through by the end but I wasn’t any more graceful about it. 

If you can push claustrophobia aside, the Scorpion Submarine is worth a visit. Just watch your toes. 

Part 1: To The Aquarium of the Pacific

Part 2: Exploring The Queen Mary

Part 3: The Scorpion Submarine

Go On An Adventure

View from the edge of The Getty Art Museum

View from the edge of The Getty Art Museum

This past weekend The Bearded One and I crossed two things off our LA Bucket List: The Getty Museum and The Griffith Observatory. At the museum we saw ancient manuscripts, Rococo furniture, Pollock’s Mural, Van Gogh’s Irises, and so much more that I can hardly remember it all. The few hours spent wandering the museum cultivated an appreciation for the Italian portrait painters Pontormo and Titian that I didn’t know existed before Sunday. What’s more, walking through the exhibits made me want to crack open my sketchbooks and get back to my long neglected sketching. At the Griffith Observatory, it was also inspiring to see the space exhibits and get a bird’s-eye view of LA while standing next to the old school telescopes. 

I enjoy being a homebody as much as the next person. Okay, probably a little more than the next person but there’s more to life than the confines of one’s own walls or the flickering glow of the screen. That’s why, every so often, you need to get out and go an adventure. Don’t have to go far or spend a lot of money. Just try something new or something that you’ve always wanted to do and jump start your brain. 

LA from the top of the Griffith Observatory

LA from the top of the Griffith Observatory

Griffith Park and LA 

Griffith Park and LA 

Crossing the Country

In the first week of June, The Bearded One and I shoved as much stuff into our car as possible and set out on a cross country drive for Los Angeles. We covered over 2,100 miles in 4 days through Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California . It was eye opening to watch the countryside change from forests to plains to scrub and finally to desert. The thought that 150 years ago people managed to cross this land with wagons and oxen not just to survive but to prosper amazes me. The knowledge that people lived off these plains and deserts hundreds and thousands of years ago is completely mind blowing. It’s one thing to learn these facts in  school and something completely different when the truth, land, air, and storms swirl together around you.


2,000+ Miles Later

Turns out that planning a wedding and getting married while also prepping to move cross country takes up all of one’s time and energy. Then after driving 2,000+ miles to the Pacific Coast, finding an apartment in a weekend, finally moving in, and setting up said apartment there isn’t much energy leftover or internet for blogging. The good news is that I once again have internet and most of the heavy work is behind me. I’m back to having a daily routine that involves washing dishes and going for walks on the beach instead of checking out of hotels. I’ll take dishes over uncertainty any day.  I’m also getting to know my new home base of Los Angeles. Last Saturday was part of World Wide Knit in Public Day so I took the opportunity to explore before settling down on Venice Beach to knit.

VeniceSucculent .jpg

Visiting LA


As I’m typing up this little entry I’m sitting in an airplane at 35,000 feet above Indiana, hooked up to the net, and scrolling through the photos I took while in Los Angeles. I love living in the future. Would be nice to have some more elbow room though.


Right now I’m on my way back from Los Angeles which will be my new home a few weeks from now. This trip was my first time visiting the city and also the first time I’ve been in California and on the West Cost. My previous record was Nevada. Los Angeles was definitely interesting. There were oil derricks next to parks next to strip malls next to apartments next to more strip malls. It was also very flat. There were billboards for new movies everywhere which really isn’t surprising. Just different from home. The weather was wonderful after coming from a city with 80°+ temps and high humidity. I pretended the interstates/parking lots didn’t exist which made the traffic a lot more bearable. 


One night The Bearded One and I headed down to Venice Beach. I couldn’t resist getting my feet wet in the Pacific Ocean. It wasn’t as cold as I was expecting nor did it smell quite the same as the Atlantic or the Gulf of Mexico. The sunset though was more beautiful than I imagined.


The next few weeks of packing, moving, and getting married are going to be crazy and stressful but I’m still really excited. Can’t wait to start the next chapter of my life.
