March is for Photography: Week 3


Every month I’m picking one skill to practice everyday for a month and updating my progress every Monday. I call it Project Incremental. Read up on how it all got started. 

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Taking a photo a day - especially, a photo I want to show off - is hard. There, I said it. I didn’t start out thinking this project would be a cake walk but I didn’t realize how difficult it would be. A few days into March, I started following the daily prompts from Fat Mum Slim. Some days were easy and some I’m still haven’t figured out. No surprise, I fell behind. I was determined to catch up on Friday so I grabbed my camera and headed outside. The original plan was to take photos to match each of the prompts. They weren’t any easier. Thankfully, I was in the right time and place for the 15th’s prompt - explore. I took it and ran. Those other prompts? What other prompts?


Cotton Leaf

Cotton Leaf Rag by Ann Buechner (ravelry)

This leaf is one of the latest additions to my fleet of hand towels and washcloths.  I couldn't resist making it way back in December since it reminded me so much of Spring and non-freezing temperatures. It turned out to be a really quick knit and all the short rows made it so much fun. Maybe I'll be able to make a few more before Spring officially arrives.

Winter Leaves

I had just completed the heel flap and was working on the cuff when I felt Second Sock Syndrome sneaking up on me. In order to evade this dreaded enemy, I needed something cute and quick to save me. Enter the Winter Leaves pattern from this month's Quick Knits Club.

The pattern was indeed cute, quick and fun too. From one night's worth of knitting, I got 5 leaves out of 15 yds of yarn but only barely. Come Christmas, these leaves will be put to use as ornaments but I still haven't decided if they need ribbon loops. At the moment though, I'm having fun stacking and arranging them in fun patterns. They're too cute to put away until it's time to hang them.

These leaves worked wonderfully well as a defense against Second Sock Syndrome. I only have a few inches left on the sock and I should finish it in the next few days. If SSS sneaks up again though, I've always got this cute little project in the wings too.